Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to specific hosts in a serviceĮgdbcli -managerid -test -service -host -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -host ad123,wl98 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to a specific component in a serviceĮgdbcli -managerid -test -service -host -port -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -host ad23 -port 389 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test that is mapped to the components in a segment that are associated with a serviceĮgdbcli -managerid -test -segment -service -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -segment seg1 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to all components in a serviceĮgdbcli -managerid -test -service -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to specific components in a segmentĮgdbcli -managerid -test -segment -host -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -host web98,wl80 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to a single component in a segmentĮgdbcli -managerid -test -segment -host -port -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -host web98 -port 80 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a test mapped to all components in a segmentĮgdbcli -managerid -test -segment -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of an info-based test associated with an Oracle database server with multiple SIDsĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -host ora12 -port 1521 -info egurkha+C,egurkha+D,egdemo+C,egdemo+D -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a non-info-based test associated with an Oracle database server with multiple SIDsĮgdbcli -managerid -test -host -port -info -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test MemoryDetails -host ora12 -port 1521 -info egurkha+,egdemo+ -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold details of multiple descriptors supported by a testĮgdbcli -managerid -test -info -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -info C,D -type Trend Retrieving the threshold configuration of a single descriptor for specific measures reported by a particular test for specific componentsĮgdbcli -managerid -host -test -measures -info -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -host ora1,sql28 -test DiskActivity - measures "Disk busy,Disk read rate" -info C -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of specific measures reported by particular test for specific componentsĮgdbcli -managerid -host -test -measures -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActvity -host ora1,sql28 -measures "Disk busy,Disk read rate" -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a particular test for specific componentsĮgdbcli -managerid -host -test -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActvity -host ora1,sql28 -type Threshold Retrieving the threshold configuration of a particular testĮgdbcli -managerid -test -type ThresholdĮgdbcli -managerid mid -test Disk Space -type Threshold Process Explorer displays disk activity from the moment it is started.Querying the Threshold Tables for Threshold Configurations Task This means that you may need to scroll to the right to see them depending on the size of the Process Explorer window. The new columns are added to the right side of the table.

Select View > Select Columns from the main menu.The program is portable, you can run it from any location on your system. Process Explorer does not display the information either by default, but you may enable the data columns in the program to display them.
You may use the excellent program Process Explorer instead to display disk activity of processes on Windows machines. I/O write bytes is the important stat if you want to find out which programs tax a Solid State Drive the most.