Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed Let winter come. Sapphire Ring Requires Level 11 +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance +(25-35)% to Fire ResistanceĤ0% of Cold Damage Converted to Fire Damage So that his warriors' axes might rise and fall like the waves. Sapphire Ring Requires Level 20 +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance Adds (7-10) to (15-20) Cold Damage to Spells and AttacksĪdds 40 to 60 Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies A gift from Tasalio, God of Water, Unaffected by Temporal Chains "To us mere mortals, time is slippery. (-20-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration Moonstone Ring Requires Level 25 +(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield (10-15)% increased Attack Speed Gain (40-60)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage Ming slew Tranquillity When a fresh delinquent walks through our gates."Īmethyst Ring Requires Level 69 +(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance 25% reduced maximum Energy Shield Iron Ring Requires Level 30 Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks Adds (5-15) to (25-50) Physical Damage to Attacksġ5% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy "I don't always have a flame handy Projectiles from Spells cannot Pierce They wrap around you until your blood turns as cold as theirs. Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Fork Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Chain +1 times Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Fork

Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Chain Sapphire Ring Requires Level 68 +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance (20-40)% increased Spell Damage You would sooner pry it from my lifeless hand." Hubris Hubris 5 Ring "This one? It is NOT for sale. Stun Threshold is based on Energy Shield instead of Life They will rise and fall in fire and blood. Moonstone Ring Requires Level 38 +(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield +(30-40) to maximum Energy Shield The Void The Void 1 Reach into the Void and claim your prize. Stacked Deck Stacked Deck Stack Size: 10 A stack of unknown divination cards Right click to take a divination card out of the deck. The Gambler The Gambler 5 Divination Card "I don't believe in karma. Hubris can be created from the following recipes: This item can be acquired in the following areas: You'll need it regardless of what route you choose.Hubris has restrictions on where or how it can drop.Ĭan drop from Jeweller's Strongboxes. You could also use a slightly more unsavoury method to chance and scour without destroying your wrists, but that's at your own risk and I personally don't condone using any form of macro outside of the old popsicle stick. I would suggest trying to find a rare ring alternative if you aren't willing to destroy your wrists and your mind, you miss out on conversion double dipping, but realistically it acts as a cheap stopgap until you can obtain the exact shaped uniques you need. The reason why these items are so absurdly expensive is 100% because they are so painful to make. Oh well, enjoy your shaped dream fragments if you do decide to do the chance & scour method. Shaped call of the brotherhood used to be the safer option because it was guaranteed with trash to treasure, but now the berek rings are in the main drop table everything is a mess. Ah yes, the slow descent into madness as you try to figure out the least painful ways to construct an eternity shroud build.